Kettleman City

September Williams’ CHASING MERCURY Print Edition Promotion: International Women's Day #PRESSFORPROGRESS

September Williams’ CHASING MERCURY Print Edition Promotion:  International Women's Day #PRESSFORPROGRESS

International Women's Day is March 8, 2018. Can I count you in again? I need my "Street Team" of Chasing Mercury supporters to mobilize and buy copies of Chasing Mercury (print edition) on Amazon this Sunday 2/25/2017 (12:01AM to 12 Midnight). If you have any questions shoot me a note. The timing will help assure the now available print version of CM’s success.  Go to the Print Edition at    Why should you care about Chasing Mercury's success for International Women's Day-- besides your affection for, well, me?  

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September Williams Author of Chasing Mercury Supports GREEN ACTION ( because as James Baldwin once said of Bayview-Hunters Point...

September Williams Author of Chasing Mercury Supports GREEN ACTION ( because as James Baldwin once said of Bayview-Hunters Point...

 “This is the San Francisco, America pretends does not exist.” 

Green Action ( enters its 3rd decade of coalition building and stalwart support  for environmental justice, health and against environmental racism and classism in Bay View Hunters Point, Kettleman City, Richmond and in coalition with so many others struggling for Environmental Justice.  If you could bear to make it to the end of my ebook or audiobook  Chasing Mercury - You would notice that the last point in the final “Authors Acknowledgements” reads, “A portion of the proceeds from Chasing Mercury go to: and also to” 


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